
We rely on our brilliant volunteer drivers to keep our minibuses on the road. The help they provide is deeply appreciated. The unpaid hours they put in can be literally life-changing for our passengers

New Drivers

We rely on a small group of volunteer drivers to keep Newcastle Community Transport running. If you’d like to join our driving team, we would be very keen to hear from you if you’re:

  • A driver between 25 and 69 years of age who passed their car driving test before 1st January 1997 will normally have a D1 with a 101 code – minibus, ‘not for hire or reward’
  • Drivers who passed their driving test after 1 January 1997 will not have the D1 101 entitlement on their licence and they will only have a B entitlement. They may drive a minibus on behalf of a non-commercial body.
  • A few hours of committed time, half a day, a day – whatever you can spare will be of great help to all
  • ideally live within a four-mile radius of Newcastle town centre
  • able-bodied, as we may ask you to help passengers get to and from our vehicles
  • An interest to help others in your local area and be part of a support network for others.
    A desire to stop isolation of less mobile or socially isolated groups of people.

In return for helping us, we provide flexible hours and the personal satisfaction of helping to deliver an essential community service. You will also become a valued member of our team and be invited to our regular volunteer driver meetings.

You’ll be more than a driver to some of our passengers – you’ll be a valued friend as well.

Other roles

If you have time to volunteer for any of the below please get in touch:

  • Would like to be on-call to take local people to essential medical appointments in our vehicles
  • Confident to contact people by phone
  • Able to easily visit places and ask to leave leaflets
  • Able to prepare and deliver presentations
  • Have a great understanding of marketing
  • Have good knowledge of administration processes
  • Have good knowledge of finance
  • Have knowledge of bid writing
  • Experience of organising fund raising events
  • Can manage our social media to engage and reach a targeted audience
  • A good knowledge of publisher to produce our newsletter bi monthly.